Youth Integrated Development Organization (YIDO)

Youth Integrated Development Organization (YIDO)

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Youth Integrated Development Organization (YIDO).

Empowering Youth and Communities Through YIDO’s Multidimensional Approach!
Youth Integrated Development Organization (YIDO) is a Ugandan-based, youth-led, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that has been creating a significant impact in the country for the past 16 years.Through its solid partnership-led projects, YIDO has directly improved the livelihoods of over 51,495 beneficiaries, including orphans, vulnerable children, youth, and women. YIDO’s approach is a multistage and holistic process that starts with needs identification and assessment, followed by needs prioritization and consensus-building.The organization has partnered with key stakeholders, including local government offices and village chairpersons, to address the needs of communities.YIDO’s programming is guided by a robust monitoring and evaluation framework that spells out key objectives, activities, key performance indicators, targets, and means of verification.The organization’s approach includes micro-finance and credit support services, vocational and business skills training, capacity building in business development services and related mentorship, prevention of gender-based violence, and advocacy for economic inclusion.YIDO has initiated and built the capacity of over 250 youth at parish-level youth and women-led savings and loan association groups. The organization is now supporting over 300 schools across the country with the Schools against Crime program.YIDO has a well-structured governance model that ensures transparency and accountability of its resources and funds from donors and well-wishers. The organization is managed by a Board of Directors (BOD), responsible for providing clear, strategic direction and sound management for the success of the organization.The BOD is assisted by the Executive Director, who supervises the day-to-day operations of the organization, assisted by a qualified, senior management team. The executive director is also assisted by 9 qualified technical staff with different areas of expertise in entrepreneurship programs, social work, community psychology, finance management, accounting, procurement specialists, and Information Technology.YIDO has well-streamlined and strong financial policies and procedures that underpin its financial management transactions. YIDO has active bank accounts, with at least 2 signatories per account, where funds are kept.Each account has a separate cashbook and bank reconciliations with corresponding payment receipts and vouchers, which are done every month by the YIDO Finance Officer and approved by the executive director.The organization conducts annual institutional and project-based audits, which are made available to the public. Quarterly and annual financial reports are produced both for internal use and upon request of funders.YIDO is a youth-led organization that has been empowering communities through its multidimensional approach. YIDO’s approach is guided by a robust monitoring and evaluation framework, ensuring the effectiveness, sustainability, and efficiency of its projects.YIDO’s financial policies and procedures ensure transparency and accountability of its resources and funds. The organization’s solid partnership-led projects have improved the livelihoods of over 51,495 beneficiaries, and YIDO’s impact continues to grow as it partners with both state and non-state actors to provide all-around robust business development services.


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